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The Giving Back Course for Young Professionals
A reliable and easy-to-follow roadmap on how to start a lifestyle of generosity that fulfills your purpose, maximizes your influence, and transforms lives.
The Giving Back Guidebook (Paperback)
You may have struggled turning generosity into a lifestyle, not knowing how it should look based on the Bible.

The Giving Back Guidebook addresses your questions, unpacks your hesitations, and shows you why and how a lifestyle of generosity can fulfill your purpose, maximise your influence, and transform your life and others for the better.
Creating Margins in Your Time so You Can Give Back
Establish productivity habits to gain back hours in your life so you can start a lifestyle of giving back.
Life-Transforming Generosity Study Series
This Done-For-You Study Series removes the burden of preparing for your small group discussions & activities for at least 10 weeks! You'll get:

1. Lifetime access for up to 10 users to "The Giving Back Video Course"
2. Lifetime access for up to 10 users to the "Creating Margins in Your Life So You Can Give Back Video Course"
3. The Giving Back Guidebook: Your Roadmap To Life-Transforming Generosity - ebook 4. The Leader's Guide
5. The "How to Write Your Personal Mission Statement" Guide
6. 14 Icebreaker Script Cards
7. Bonus #1: The "Life-Transforming Generosity: 6-Month Action Plan"
8. BONUS #2: Printable Memory Verse Cards on Generosity

"I was given the opportunity to read and discuss your book with a group of lovely moms here in The Netherlands, led by Kat. It opened my eyes to a different and deeper understanding of what intentional giving really is. It also made me reflect on my purpose and how I could make a difference by beginning with small but intentional acts of service. Lastly and importantly, I was inspired to deepen my relationship with God. Thank you for the study series and for being a representation of service and helping impact people's lives."- Stephanie Thie

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The Giving Back Course for Young Professionals
A reliable and easy-to-follow roadmap on how to start a lifestyle of generosity that fulfills your purpose, maximizes your influence, and transforms lives.
The Giving Back Guidebook (Paperback)
You may have struggled turning generosity into a lifestyle, not knowing how it should look based on the Bible.

The Giving Back Guidebook addresses your questions, unpacks your hesitations, and shows you why and how a lifestyle of generosity can fulfill your purpose, maximise your influence, and transform your life and others for the better.
Creating Margins in Your Time so You Can Give Back
Establish productivity habits to gain back hours in your life so you can start a lifestyle of giving back.
Life-Transforming Generosity Study Series
This Done-For-You Study Series removes the burden of preparing for your small group discussions & activities for at least 10 weeks! You'll get:

1. Lifetime access for up to 10 users to "The Giving Back Video Course"
2. Lifetime access for up to 10 users to the "Creating Margins in Your Life So You Can Give Back Video Course"
3. The Giving Back Guidebook: Your Roadmap To Life-Transforming Generosity - ebook 4. The Leader's Guide
5. The "How to Write Your Personal Mission Statement" Guide
6. 14 Icebreaker Script Cards
7. Bonus #1: The "Life-Transforming Generosity: 6-Month Action Plan"
8. BONUS #2: Printable Memory Verse Cards on Generosity

"I was given the opportunity to read and discuss your book with a group of lovely moms here in The Netherlands, led by Kat. It opened my eyes to a different and deeper understanding of what intentional giving really is. It also made me reflect on my purpose and how I could make a difference by beginning with small but intentional acts of service. Lastly and importantly, I was inspired to deepen my relationship with God. Thank you for the study series and for being a representation of service and helping impact people's lives."- Stephanie Thie

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